July's Artist of the Month is...Laurie Breton

Congratulations to July's Artist of the Month:

Laurie captures the heart of Maine in her local landscape Paintings, Prints, and Photography. From Laurie:

"I've lived my entire life in Maine, and I feel a close connection to the New England landscape. My paintings of Maine country roads, New England cityscapes, and old houses reflect those deep roots. As we seek meaning in our busy lives, we tend to overlook the ordinary, the everyday, the familiar places and things that shape who and what we are. Even as we continually seek that elusive "something else," the overlooked ordinary—the innate sense of home—is the reality in which we live our lives. That reality is what I try to paint. I want my work to take the viewer to that home-place each of us holds inside."

Visit her Etsy Shop to view more of her art: etsy.com/shop/TheMaineHouse