So, we are looking for logo ideas and need your design submissions ASAP!
Here are the Maine Team Logo Requirements:
1) Must include Maine map or the word "Maine".
2) Must include the word "Etsy" but WITHOUT using their logo. Preference is to include Etsy Maine Team somehow.
3) Should be a design that will work well in any media type: website, print, color, b+w, etc.
4) Design should be able to work in multiple sizes, from the smallest avatar 75x75 pixels to the largest print poster size. We need a logo that can shrink and expand very well!
Other than that, the design is fully open to your creativity!
Submit your designs to our Maine Team Flickr account by March 9th ( so that the entire team can see your submissions. Please feel free to submit multiple designs.
Team vote box will be placed on the blog March 13th.
Any questions? Please email